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Celebrating Leadership: The Power of Nurses on Boards

Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Supporters,

It is with immense pride and gratitude that I share a milestone in my journey as a nurse leader. Being selected as the recipient of the Nurses on Boards (NOBC) Nursing Leadership Scholarship marks a pinnacle achievement in my career. This recognition isn't just a personal honor but a testament to the vital roles that nurses play in shaping healthcare policies and practices.

The Significance of Nursing Leadership in Governance

Being in the same room with the great nurses who have paved the way and continue to advocate fiercely for our profession and the communities we serve has been an enlightening experience. Nurses are more than caregivers; we are the fabric of humanity, intricately woven into the very core of our communities in myriad, often unseen ways.

The Call to Serve- Nurses on Boards

Big changes happen every minute, requiring active participation from trained, insightful professionals like you. I urge each of you to stretch beyond your comfort zones. Find a board that can benefit from your expertise and use your innate talents to influence positive changes. 

Serving on a board is not just an opportunity—it's a platform to amplify your impact, learn from seasoned leaders, and carry forward the baton of transformative leadership.

The NOBC Mission- Improving Health Through Leadership

The NOBC mission, to improve the health of communities through the service of nurses on boards, is ambitious and achievable. Nurses bring a unique perspective crucial for achieving improved health goals and more efficient and effective healthcare systems at local, state, and national levels.

Resources for Aspiring Nurse Leaders

On the NOBC website, you will find many resources designed to assist nurses in building robust leadership skills. From workshops to leadership development programs, these tools are tailored to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel in board roles.

Engagement and Collaboration

Organizations are also invited to engage with our community of nurse leaders. By integrating nurses into your boards, you gain access to insight grounded in frontline healthcare experiences, enhancing your organization's decision-making processes and outcomes.

Join Us in This Movement

I encourage you to utilize the available resources and join us to elevate our nation's health. 

Your leadership can drive significant change, improve healthcare delivery, and ensure that the voices of nurses are heard where it truly matters.

Thank you for your commitment, passion, and unwavering dedication to healthcare. Let's step forward together, making every minute count.

With deepest appreciation and hope,


Together, let's shape the future of healthcare by ensuring that nurses have a seat at every table where decisions are made. Serve, lead, and transform.


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